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Yacon, also known as the diabetic potato, is a unique tuber. It's crunchy, juicy and has a sweet taste reminiscent of pears and apples, and is often called earth apple or earth pear. It is a natural probiotic, recommended for diabetics as it is rich in oligosaccharides, slowly absorbed sugars that are released into the blood in low quantities. It controls blood glucose levels, stimulates insulin production in the pancreas and helps lower bad cholesterol. Yacon is also the best friend of dieters, as it causes a feeling of satiety and is low in calories. Originally from the Andes, from Colombia to northern Argentina, via Bolivia and Ecuador, it has been eaten by the Incas for thousands of years. It is sold in Andean markets as a fruit and this is how it should be eaten: raw and peeled, in salads, juices and pulps. The plants are cousins of tupinambo, sunflowers, calendulas and daisies, and help control soil erosion. They drink enough water, hence the name yacon, which derives from yacun, meaning water.